Over the course of our life, unhealthy habits and unhealthy lifestyle contribute to a buildup of junk inside and decrease elimination abilities of our bodies, particularly the large intestine or colon. It is there that the largest amounts of waste and mucus, an excellent breeding ground for microorganisms, are dumped, and for the lack of proper elimination accumulate and start poisoning the entire body – like a polluted, toxic lake poisons its’ surroundings. Colonic Irrigation is excellent to promote good health, as a multitude of diseases start from a toxic colon.

The specially designed colonics machine has dual hoses enabling the clean water to flow through one pipe and waste to come out of the other pipe. The treatment is performed on the large intestine, whereby water from the machine goes inside the intestine for the purpose of cleaning out buildups of accumulated old waste, gas and mucus.

Depending on the condition of the colon, the patient may require one session, but more commonly it is found that three to five sessions are necessary to complete the treatment.

Removal of large amounts of old waste and mucus results in patients feeling very clean and energetic and vastly improves digestion and immune system function.